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The next municipal election of the Durham Region is on Monday, October 24, 2022. In this municipal election, voters will elect a Regional Chair, municipal Mayors and members of Council, and School Board Trustees.

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October 20, 2025

Next Federal Election

The 45th Canadian federal election will take place on or before October 20, 2025 to elect members of the House of Commons to the 45th Canadian Parliament. The date of the vote is determined by the fixed-date provisions of the Canada Elections Act, which requires federal elections to be held on the third Monday in October in the fourth calendar year after the polling day of the previous election.

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June 4, 2026

Next Provincial Election (Ontario)

The next provincial election in Ontario will be held on June 4, 2026. In Canada, the federal government and all provinces and territories have enacted legislation setting fixed election dates so that elections occur on a more regular timeline. In Ontario, a provincial election is held every 4 years.

Ways to Vote

First of all, you must be registered to vote.

  1. You must submit a Vote by Mail application together with a copy of at least one form of government-issued identification in order to vote by mail.
  2. A voting kit with a ballot will be mailed to you at the supplied mailing address once your Vote by Mail application has been verified and approved.
  3. You have two options for returning your voting kit: drop it off at your returning office or utilize the pre-paid envelope. The cost of the international mail will be your responsibility if you reside outside of Canada.
  4. In order for your completed voting kit to be counted, it must be submitted by 6 PM (Eastern Time) on election day.
Returning Office

From the day after an election has been called in your electoral district until 6 PM the day before election day, you can cast your ballot in person at your returning office.

  1. You will be required to present your ID to an election officer upon arrival at the returning office. To register for a special ballot and make a declaration, you must fill out an application form.
  2. You will then receive a ballot from the election official.
  3. To mark your ballot, you will enter a voting booth behind a screen. Put the finished ballot back in the voting machine.
Advance Voting Location

Any early voting site within your electoral district is open to you. Locations for early voting are open from 10 AM to 8 PM (Eastern Time).

  1. An election official will ask for your ID when you get to the polling place so they can verify your registration on the voters list.
  2. The election official will ask you to sign a statement and add your name to the voters list if you are not already on it. You will then receive a ballot from the election official.
  3. To mark your ballot, you will enter a voting booth behind a screen. Mark an X in the circle next to the name of the candidate you want to support, then place the completed ballot in the voting machine.
  4. Your marked ballot will be placed in a secrecy folder, which you will then provide to an election official using a tabulator.
On Election Day

On election day, you can cast your ballot in person at the voting site that was given to you based on your current residence address from 9 AM to 9 PM (Eastern Time).

  1. An election official will ask you to present your ID when you arrive at a voting place so they may verify your voter registration. The election official will ask you to sign a statement and add your name to the voters list if you are not already on it.
  2. You will then receive a ballot from the election official.
  3. To mark your ballot, you will enter a voting booth behind a screen. Mark an X in the circle next to the name of the candidate you want to support, then place the completed ballot in the voting box.
  4. You will deposit your marked ballot in the secrecy folder at a voting location that uses technology, then hand it to an election officer who is operating a tabulator. You will fold your ballot and put it into a ballot box yourself if you are voting somewhere that doesn't have technology.

Regional Specifics

Durham Region

Ways to vote may be different depending on the municipality you are in. To get the voting methods in your municipality, visit the links below: